Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009



Yes, you should have lizard envy. Who wouldn't want to have a lizard crawling on your face. Too funny!! So, Keon will hold this lizard (unnamed as of today) and if he puts him anywhere NEAR his nose...off he jumps!
Can you count how many he has caught
(because I have refused to let any more in the cage).

Friday, May 1, 2009

Brothers at breakfast

So, I made breakfast this morning. I made homemade waffles at which point Keon informed me he needed cereal too. Fun for me. Hayhoo finished his and brought a book over and asked "big boy" to read it to him. (Hayhoo calls him "that big boy" - if you ask the name of who he is talking he says "the big brother Keon")

Yes, Keon read it to him. How awesome is that?!?